Saturday, February 7, 2009

Today's Contribution to the Long Island Sentinel

Another modest contribution today to the Long Island Sentinel, this time about Sam Tanenhaus's argument that "conservatism is dead."

I don't think so. I agree that America is not full of conservative true believers. Nor is it full of liberal true believers. There are many people who don't pay attention (which seems to me a sane approach to politics.)

But when people's backs are against the wall, and the porky stimulus god fails, and the economy worsens because of endless meddling (not that I am wishing for that, but there is something about adversity that will concentrate the mind), I think, with some discipline on the part of the Republican Party, conservatism can make a comeback. Here's to the midterms in 2010. Don't blow it this time GOP, with a return to your stupid, big spending ways.

1 comment:

  1. Here are a few predictions for 2012:

    1) The public schools will be the same.

    2) We will still have homeless people on the streets.

    3) We will still be dependent on foreign oil.

    At best, Obama will be another Clinton (in the strong economy sense deflecting scandals, if any). At worst, he'll be Carter, as in the failure of idealism, high inflation, and unemployment.

    Remember that "Jeffersons" episode where George tells his granddaughter a fairly tale about his kingdom is under siege by the evil of inflation? As a knight, Jimmy Carter shows up, offering peanuts, but George sends him on his way.

